Olivier Bello
Arsenal Modelist

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80950 people have already visited this site since the 9th november 2002 !

Before presenting the results of my work as a model builder and my thoughts about the maritime world of the 18th Century, I would like to offer my thanks to a few people without whom this site would not have been possible:

Jean Boudriot : A dedicated naval archaeology researcher and marvelous draftsman and creator of plans and drawings, he is the author of the 4-volume "The 74-Gun Ship" as well as numerous other work on the French Navy: treatises, monographs, etc...

Arthur Molle : A talented Belgian model builder richly endowed of human qualities, his encouragements and flawless passion have enabled me to sustain my efforts ever since my discovery of the wonderful world of navy board models.

Daniel Henry : After working in the universe of the navy yards of the region of La Rochelle between 1966 and 1984, his arrival in my province of Franche-Comté and our acquaintance have led me to considerably improve the quality of my work. He also inspired the upgrading of this site, with the technical assistance of his son Nicolas Henry.

Virgile Bello : my second child, he is responsible for the development of this website.

Francois Fougerat and Gabriel Ghazarian : With great patience and terrific kindness, they have carried out the English translation of this site for your enjoyment. I can only express to them my deepest gratitude for this considerable effort.

Florian Roy and Karl Durupt : Both talented photographers, one of them residing in Montbéliard and the other working at the French modeling publication MRB, their extraordinary pictures have enhanced the smallest details and the overall feeling of my various models.

I cannot list the considerable number of authors, model builders and others who have lavished their advice and encouragements and will recognize themselves.

With my gratitude for their patience and understanding, I dedicate this site to my wife and our three children.


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